If you write with your right hand then your 'active hand' is right hand. If you write with left hand then your 'active hand' will be left hand. First, find out which one is your active hand. Observe the mounts and lines in the palm of your active hand. Recognize them correctly with the help of pictures. Then select the options given in the following table.

Enter your palm details
Select best mount in your palm
Netsaar Award
Mount points
Netsaar Award
Gaps between mounts

The elevated pads below the root of fingers are called 'mounts'. There are 7 mounts in your palm. Place a pencil horizontally on the mounts and see through the gaps between the pencil and the mounts. You can estimate which mount is highly elevated and protruding out. Roll the pencil till the base of the palm. Find out the best elevated mount.

Select bad mount in your palm
Netsaar Award
Mount points

The mount which has horizontal lines , criss cross lines or messy lines is called bad mount. Among the 7 available mounts, find out which mount has got more number of such criss cross lines.

Select Heart line in your palm

Heart line is the first horizontal line under the fingers.

Netsaar Award
1. Long and straight line
Netsaar Award
2. Starting at index finger
Netsaar Award
3. Starting between index and middle fingers
Netsaar Award
4. Starting at middle finger
Netsaar Award
5. Chained heart line
Netsaar Award
6. Double heart line
Select Head line in your palm

Head line is the horizontal line which lies below the heart line.

Netsaar Award
1. Long and straight line
Netsaar Award
2. Sloppy head line
Netsaar Award
3. Too much sloppy line
Netsaar Award
4. Short head line
Netsaar Award
5. Chained head line
Netsaar Award
6. Double head line
Select Life line in your palm

Life line is the curved line starts below the index finger and runs down.

Netsaar Award
1. Long and straight line
Netsaar Award
2. Short life line
Netsaar Award
3. Complete and full line
Netsaar Award
4. Chained life line
Netsaar Award
5. Double life line
Select staring of Fate line in your palm

Fate line is the line which starts at bottom and goes up in the middle of the palm.

Netsaar Award
1. Starting from Mount no. 7
Netsaar Award
2. Starting from Mount no. 6
Netsaar Award
3. Starting from center of palm
Netsaar Award
4. Starting from head line
Netsaar Award
5. Starting from middle of head and heart lines
Netsaar Award
6. Starting from heart line
Select ending of Fate line in your palm

Fate line generally ends at the root of one of the fingers.

Netsaar Award
1. Reaching index finger
Netsaar Award
2. Reaching middle finger
Netsaar Award
3. Reaching ring finger
Netsaar Award
4. Reaching little finger
Netsaar Award
5. Terminates at head line
Netsaar Award
6. Terminates at heart line
Netsaar Award
7. Chained fate line
Netsaar Award
8. Double fate line

Your Palm reading