Customer Support
When you take services from askastrologer.com by paying the fees, you will become our customer. In case, you want any details about our services, you can contact our customer support team. Also, if you are unable to understand the reports sent to you or if any delay in getting our services, you can contact our customer support team. It is preferred to contact through email than phone communication.
- Customer Support Phones: +91- 9704466613
- Customer Support email: askastrologer2005 at gmail.com (replace ‘at’ with a ‘@’)
Terms and Conditions for Customers
Human life is most complex. Astrology or Palmistry attempts to analyze it from various angles. The accuracy of predictions given through Astrology depends on several factors like correct date, time and place of birth. The time of birth should be available accurately up to the minute. There is a possibility that the birth details might not have been noted correctly but the person would be under the notion that his/her birth details are accurate.
Before making any prediction, an Astrologer or Palmist must consider all the visible and invisible factors that influence a human being’s mind and body. If a person is daily offering prayers to God and generous with others, the bad effects of his horoscope will be lessened. Wearing gems, doing meditation and yoga, reciting mantras, offering donations, feeding the poor etc… will have their positive impact on the events that occur in a person’s life. Moreover a person’s life is always dominated by the horoscope of the place and surroundings where he lives in.
Just like any other Science, Astrology and Palmistry are ever growing and hence will have their own limitations.
The aim of askastrologer.com is to provide awareness on Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology and their allied subjects, Occult sciences, Spirituality and the Hindu tradition. We promise that we will keep your details entirely secret and your personal information is not revealed to any one. Even if our motto is to render a satisfactory service to you, we can’t accept any liability for the accuracy of predictions and remedial measures and also for any kind of loss, damage or harm caused to any individual, group or organization in any form due to the predictions, products, services or content of this website. Also, we are not responsible for any other websites linking to our site, their content, products or services.
We do not claim any warranty expressed or implied including any warranty as to the validity, accuracy, completeness or content of information, products or services. The author can not be prosecuted by any court of law - local, national or international. In any case, our liability is limited only to refund the fees received by us.
The fees paid by you will be considered as paid for only 1 consultation (or case) and for 1 time only. Please do not pay excess money and do not try to utilize it several times either for the same case or for multiple cases. It is advised to pay the fees separately for every consultation. The fees will exhaust once the service is provided.
All reports will be sent in MS Word format generally within 4 to 5 days after receiving the payment from you. In some rare cases, we may take more days to provide the service depending on the rush and difficulty level of the case. In such cases, the customer can contact us and get a clear picture regarding when the service will be provided.
If you are not receiving any communication within 5 days from us, it means your mail address has some problem. Either your mail is full or it has filtered out (not receiving) the reports sent to you. This is a general problem with the mail addresses created in private mail servers of companies. For example, you may not receive our reports sent to your presently working company’s mail address. In such a case, it is always better to send us an alternate mail address created in public mail servers like ‘yahoo.com’ or ‘rediffmail.com’ or ‘gmail.com’ etc.
After receiving the reports from us, you can ask any doubts on the content of the reports within one week. After one week is passed, it will be treated as a fresh case. It is better to express all of your doubts at once. You can express any doubts on the content of the report but kindly avoid asking doubts on the technical details as we follow our own system of prediction developed over a period extending many decades.
It is advised to quote the case number given in your report for any further communication. Please remember you agree to be communicated with you by email, message or phone or any other form of communication.
Also, note that askastrologer.com reserves the right to accept or refuse the services to any individual or group with or without specifying any reason.
askastrologer.com reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, so please review it frequently.
Privacy Policy
Since the content of this web site is originally developed by us and not copied from any other web sites, texts or other sources, we hold all the rights on the content of this site. Hence we permit any body to use the content of this web site for their personal purposes without claiming ownership; and not for any business or commercial activities. The content of this web site should not be stored in any form modified or distributed.
If any website wants to display a paragraph or text of not more than ten lines from the content of this web site, they can do so by giving a link to: askastrologer.com. No web site or individual is allowed to use or display a full page or more than ten lines of content from this site.
Using the content of this site as was not indicated in the preceding paragraphs is not permitted and will attract legal action.
askastrologer.com will not contact any individual or group or Organization advertising its products or regarding any business or commercial transaction except after receiving communication from the clients for our services. So, we do not bear any responsibility regarding any type of mails or communication sent to any one on the name of askastrologer.com. We request all to verify the authenticity before responding to such mails. It is advised that any communication or transaction with us should be done through this website only. We do not bear responsibility regarding the transactions done with any other website, persons or organization on our name. We do not have branches or offices or agents anywhere else except our authorized office in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
When customers submit their personal data through our website, we keep that data highly secure and never disclose to any one for any purpose. We never share or discuss our customers personal details with anyone. In some cases, the data collected by us may be used in our research work without disclosing the identity of the persons. When a customer takes service on behalf of another person, the reports will be sent to the customer who contacted us or paid the fees.
However, we do not keep or store anywhere your sensitive data like your address, credit card or debit card information etc. This information may be provided by you while paying the fees and collected by respective payment gateways used in this site. But this information is never kept or misused.
Return and Refund Policy
All of our services are basically information /advice providing services. Once the report is sent to the customer, the information/advice is provided and hence cannot be returned by the customer.
The process of providing our services will start only after receiving the fees from the customer. Once the service is provided either by phone or by sending the report, the fees cannot be refunded. Please note that the fees once paid is not refundable nor transferable. Hence we strongly advise all customers to view the Sample reports displayed in the website and then only decide whether to take the service or not.
askastrologer.com reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently.
All the disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Hyderabad, Telangana, India. By clicking on Submit button, you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions and want to get services from us.