Panchanga is a very important concept that is given by Indian Hindu vedic astrology. Panchanga means 'having 5 limbs'. Thithi, Vaara, Yoga, Nakshtra and Karana are the five parts of the Indian panchanga. Westerners call it 'almanac'. The knowledge of panchanga is useful to know the muhurtaas (auspicious times) and also for doing certain religious rituals. Panchangam also predicts the future of the country and the good or bad events that may happen in a year.

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Panchanga comprises of 5 elements: Thithi (lunar day), Vaara (day of the week), Yoga (Luni-Solar combination), Nakshatra (constellation) and Karana (half part of a thithi). These 5 elements give an idea regarding the auspicious and inauspicious moments day by day and the type of activities to be done or not to be done on each day.

To Know Panchangam for today or for any day of your choice, please check the Panchangam Calculator.

Signs and the stars in each sign

There are 12 signs (rasis) having 27 constellations (stars). Each star has 4 quarters. Each star has 13 D 20 M duration and each quarter has 3 D 20 M.

No. Sign (Rasi) Stars in it
1 Aries Aswini 1,2,3,4 and Bharani 1,2,3,4 and Krittika 1
2 Taurus Krittika 2,3,4 and Rohini 1,2,3,4 and Mrigasira 1,2
3 Gemini Mrigasira 3,4 and Ardra 1,2,3,4 and Punarvasu 1,2,3
4 Cancer Punarvasu 4 and Pushyami 1,2,3,4 and Aslesha 1,2,3,4
5 Leo Makha 1,2,3,4 and Pubba 1,2,3,4 and Uttara 1
6 Virgo Uttara 2,3,4 and Hasta 1,2,3,4 and Chitta 1,2
7 Libra Chitta 3,4 and Swathi 1,2,3,4 and Visakha 1,2,3
8 Scorpio Visakha 4 and Anuradha 1,2,3,4 and Jyesta 1,2,3,4
9 Sagittarius Moola 1,2,3,4 and Poorvashadha 1,2,3,4 and Uttarashadha 1
10 Capricorn Uttarashadha 2,3,4 and Sravanam 1,2,3,4 and Dhanishta 1,2
11 Aquarius Dhanishta 3,4 and Sathabhisham 1,2,3,4 and Purvabhadra 1,2,3
12 Pisces Purvabhadra 4 and Uttarabhadra 1,2,3,4 and Revathi 1,2,3,4


Yoga represents the sum of Sun and Moon positions. There are 27 yogas. Each yoga is of 13 deg 20 min duration. The first yoga is called ‘Vishkambha’ which starts at 0 D 0 M of Aries and lasts till 13 D 20 M. For example, if the sum of the longitudes of Sun and Moon is 281 deg, then it represents Siddha yoga.

No. Yoga Lasts till
1 Vishkambha 13 D 20 M
2 Priti 26 D 40 M
3 Ayushman 40 D 00 M
4 Saubhagya 53 D 20 M
5 Sobhana 66 D 40 M
6 Atiganda 80 D 00 M
7 Sukarman 93 D 20 M
8 Dhriti 106 D 40 M
9 Soola 120 D 00 M
10 Ganda 133 D 20 M
11 Vridhi 146 D 40 M
12 Dhruva 160 D 00 M
13 Vyaghata 173 D 20 M
14 Harshana 186 D 40 M
15 Vajra 200 D 00 M
16 Siddhi 213 D 20 M
17 Vyatipata 226 D 40 M
18 Variyan 240 D 00 M
19 Parigha 253 D 20 M
20 Siva 266 D 40 M
21 Siddha 280 D 00 M
22 Sadhya 293 D 20 M
23 Subha 306 D 40 M
24 Sukla 320 D 00 M
25 Brahma 333 D 20 M
26 Indra 346 D 40 M
27 Vaidhriti 360 D 00 M


Karana represents half part of a lunar day (thithi). There are 15 lunar days and 11 karanas. Karanas change during the bright fortnight (Sukla paksha) and dark fortnight (Krishna paksha).

Sukla Paksha

No. Lunar day First Karana Second Karana
1 Padyami Kimstughnam Bava
2 Vidiya Balava Koulava
3 Thadhiya Taitula Gariji
4 Chavithi Vanaji Bhadra (Vishti)
5 Panchami Bava Balava
6 Sashti Koulava Taitula
7 Sapthami Gariji Vanaji
8 Ashtami Bhadra (Vishti) Bava
9 Navami Balava Koulava
10 Dasami Taitula Gariji
11 Ekadasi Vanaji Bhadra (Vishti)
12 Dwadasi Bava Balava
13 Triyodasi Koulava Taitula
14 Chaturdasi Gariji Vanaji
15 Pournami Bhadra (Vishti) Bava

Krishna Paksha

No. Lunar day First Karana Second Karana
1 Padyami Balava Koulava
2 Vidiya Taitula Gariji
3 Thadhiya Vanaji Bhadra (Vishti)
4 Chavithi Bava Balava
5 Panchami Koulava Taitula
6 Sashti Gariji Vanaji
7 Sapthami Bhadra (Vishti) Bava
8 Ashtami Balava Koulava
9 Navami Taitula Gariji
10 Dasami Vanaji Bhadra (Vishti)
11 Ekadasi Bava Balava
12 Dwadasi Koulava Taitula
13 Triyodasi Gariji Vanaji
14 Chaturdasi Bhadra (Vishti) Sakuni
15 Amavasya Chatushpath Nagavam